Monday, 15 September 2014

Importance of Milk tooth and Concerns in Paediatric Dentistry

The Teeth-ing Troubles

Pediatric Dentistry:

Dental caries a rapidly progressing condition in children. The accurate diagnosis of the disease is of prime importance prior to development of treatment plan.
Radiographic diagnosis and a proper history( especially diet and food habits) is essential before treatment is commenced.

Treatment Plan for children:

Why is it important to treat a child’s dentition before he/she reaches adulthood?

A good dental status in the young age often assures a healthy dental condition even during adulthood. The positive attitude towards dental health more often establishes a healthy diet and prevention of oral health problems.

The treatment plan in children will take account of the following considerations:
1.Behaviour Management
2.Prevention of dental decay
3.Restorative treatment
4.Developing Occlusion
Restorative treatment without prevention is of limited value. Hence,we emphasise on a modified diet. Most often a combination of prevention,restoration and extraction is indicated for most children with caries/dental decay in primary/milk teeth.

Other considerations:
Pain or evidence of abscess/infection.
1.Temporization of open cavities
2.Use of medicated fillings
3.reduction of bacterial count(Streptococcus mutans)
4.preliminary coronal seal enhances the chances of pulpal recovery.

Delivery of care:                               
1.Counselling of the parents
2.LA/Sedation/GA- Risks vs Benefits of each
3.Planning of operative care at a pace appropriate to the child’s ability to cope.
4.Consideration of medically compromised children(like heart diseases, small stature,systemic diseases)

For further information
Contact: Dr.Sreenita Chowdhury
Dentist, New Delhi, India

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