Monday 3 June 2013

Say No To Bad Breath

Halitosis: Understanding Bad Breath?

Halitosis(bad breath) can be real or imagined.

When real, its most often caused by a combination of food lodged between the teeth and poor oral hygiene that results in gum disease.It may also be due to decay and germs in damaged teeth.

Odors from foods that contain volatile oils, such as onions and garlic, pass from the bloodstream into the lungs and are exhaled.
Oral hygiene cannot remove these odors.

Certain diseases also produce bad breath.
Liver failure- mousy odor
Kidney failure-Urine like odor
Severe uncontrolled Diabetes-Acetone breath like(nail polish remover)
Lung abscess (a collection of pus)-severe halitosis
A tumour in the esophagus/stomach may cause foul smelling liquid or gas be regurgitated into the mouth.

Halitosis that is imagined is called psychogenic halitosis, in which a person believes that his breath smells bad when it actually does not.
This problem may occur in people who tend to exaggerate normal body sensations.
Sometimes psychogenic halitosis is caused by a serious mental disorder such as schizophrenia.
A person with obsessional thoughts may have an overwhelming sense of feeling dirty.

1.Physical causes can be corrected or removed. For example- people can stop or avoid eating garlic,onions and other spiced foods and can improve their oral hygiene.
2.Daily use of a tongue scraper to clean the top and the back of the tongue is effective.
3.Many mouthwashes are available but , their usage is best justified after a couple of  professional round of cleaning(scaling) and polishing.
4.The mouthwashes need to have chlorophyll.
5.The effects of the topical mouth rinses do not last for more than couple of hours.
6.Psychogenic halitosis can be treated with doctors reinforcing the non-existence of halitosis.
Please follow my blog if you found this piece informative.

For more information and queries:
Dr.Sreenita Chowdhury

1 comment:

  1. Goji Berries... yes... I tried those too.For my health conditions, Those sweet, red berries seemed to help, but only during the time when I consumed them. I don't want to take a drug for the rest of my life, so why would I want to take a natural supplement everyday for the rest of my life (although Goji berries are very tasty and are highly nourishing). To me this was not a cure either (and I'm LOOKING for the CURE).
    Up to that point, I hadn't found a cure. I felt like a young jumbled mess. I continued to have extreme pain, but continued on my path to healing. I started to focus on myself and not everyone else. When I was a young adult, I took on too much responsibility out of a sense of obligation. This was no longer healthy for me, so I resigned from all my projects and groups. Those days to come were the best [and worst] days. I took a lot of time off work, yet began to feel so extremely exhausted. Many health professionals "diagnosed" me with adrenal fatigue & Hiv,Prostate Cancer so my situation was annoying then I keep searching for permanent cure online that's when I came to know of Dr Itua herbal center hands whom god has blessed with ancestral herbs and a gift to heal people with diseaseSo I made a purchase of his herbal medicines and I have been watching my health for 6 years now and I actually confirmed that his herbal medicines are a permanent cure and I'm so happy that I came to know of his herbal healings.You can contact Dr Itua herbal center Email: if you went through exactly what I go through in terms of health conditions because to be honest there is more to learn about natural herbs than medical drugs.
