Monday 13 May 2013

Ten Informative Tips To Good Oral Health For Your Child

KIDO-DONTICS????   Yes, I am talking about Dental care in children


The article helps to prevent dental problems in your child. 

As we all know "prevention is better than cure"here are few tips to help parents maintain good health for their children throughout the year.Enjoy:)

1. Avoid hard candy/sticky lozenges and sweets that stay in your mouth for a long time:

The length of time food is in your mouth plays a role in tooth decay.Besides how often you  snack, the long period of time, subjects teeth to prolonged acid attack, increasing risk of tooth decay.

2.Consume candies and sweets during meal time:

Saliva production increases during meals and helps neutralize acids produced by bacteria in your mouth and helps rinse away food particles.
Unless it is a sugar free product,candies that stay in the mouth for a long period are harmful.

3.Drink lot of water:

Check the fluoride content in your bottled water.
Fluoridated water can help prevent tooth decay.

4.Avoid sticky products that cling to your teeth :- biscuits,chips,candies:

Stickier the food products, the tendency to cling to the teeth increases resulting in tooth decay.
If consumed, make sure nothing is sticking on to the deep grooves in your teeth.
5.Maintain a healthy diet and have nutritious meals:

Healthy diet takes care of your gums and teeth. For healthy gums it is essential to have meals surplus in vitamins and minerals.

6.Chew gum that has ADA seal:

Increased salivary flow washes away bacteria and neutralizes the acids produced by them.
Chewing sugarless gums for twenty minutes helps prevent tooth decay.

7.Avoid beverages with added sugars:

Flavoured water,soda,sports drink when taken frequently , the constant exposure of these sugar based products exposes tooth to decay.

8.Brush your teeth twice a day with soft bristled tooth brush:

Replace your tooth brush every three to four months as soon as the bristles get frayed.

9.Floss your teeth and use inter-dental brushes:

Toothbrushes are not able to reach in between areas of your teeth. 
Interdental cleansers like floss removes plaque from the unreachable areas.

10.Visit your dentist once a year for a regular check up

See if you can change your child's oral health for the better following these tips.

If you’d like to see more posts like these, follow my blog or share with your friends below! Thanks!
For more details
Dr.Sreenita Chowdhury

1 comment:

  1. Great post! As a young child, the last thing they probably want to do when they wake up or before they go to bed is brush their teeth. But the more you make this a routine, the more likely they’ll continue to take care of their teeth later in life.

    Regards Amandeep
